Say Hello to Dobby, your Super Accountant

Companies that trust Effortless

Why Businesses love Dobby

One Click Away
Dobby, your trusted advisor, is available just a click away to support your growth journey.
Easy Compliance
Reach out to Dobby when you are stuck recording your invoice, unsure of what compliance to take
Better Decisions
Connect with Dobby for any Financial Insights to drive informed decision-making
Your Personal CFO
Designed to be your Personal CFO, in your Pocket
Ready to Go at your Beck and Call
Being a combination of Human Capability and Artificial Intelligence, you can assign all your time-consuming tasks to Dobby, your Effortless SuperAccountant - whether it is recording multiple bills or managing your GST Filings. Dobby is there to help and to see your Business succeed.
Your Trusted Financial Partner for Unparalleled Expertise !
Dobby combines years of experience and in-depth knowledge to handle your financial matters. From bookkeeping to tax compliances, experience the expertise you need to drive your business forward.